Well, it has been several years since I have posted on this blog. I have taken a hiatus because well frankly social media seemed to take over. I don't have a real exciting reason to be back other than I am pretty much off all social media at this point and just want a place to document our lives so I don't forget special moments. If you have popped over to read, great! Welcome. 😊
I have a few things to update the blogosphere on, first, my boys are no longer boys they are actual men!! 22 and 18 to be exact. Logan has already lived on his own and taking his time figuring out what he wants to be when he grows up. And that's great. I definitely think you should experience life and get to know who you are and what you love rather than jumping into something if you are not sure! He is loving life and that is wonderful for me to see. He is still such an amazing kid. Happy, sweet, smart and I couldn't be prouder of the man he has become. I can't wait to see what unfolds for him in the future.
Landon just graduated from Highschool in June!! He was accepted to Texas A&M University's Engineering Program (WHOOP) and he starts in the fall!!! We are so stinking proud of him. It has always been his dream to go to A&M, be an aerospace engineer, and work for NASA. Since he was a small child that is all he talked about. Well, two out of the three of those dreams have come true and he is working his way to his third dream being a reality. Just like Logan he is still so sweet, smart, and well adjusted. How did we get so lucky to have such wonderful, kind boys?
If you didn't follow me on social media, then it will be a surprise to you that Jason and I decided at 38 years of age, to start over and bring two tiny baby girls into our family via foster to adopt. It has been an absolute, WILD ride. One I have definitely almost fallen off of, 😅 but one ride I wouldn't change for any amount of money. Skylar Rue came to us in June of 2018. She was 6 months old, a baby I had a dream a vision of, sent straight from heaven to be with us. She had dark hair and big blue eyes just like in my vision, and she has an uncanny resemblance to me. She is smart, beautiful, kind, an absolute angel. And we are blessed to have that sweet baby girl in our lives. She is now 6 years old. Full of dreams, dance and love. She has the middle name Rue after the nickname my Pipaw gave me "Staci Roo" She is a perfect addition to our family. She just had her first dance recital and she is a natural. She starts 1st grade next year. We are excited to see what this next year holds for our girl. 

And last but certainly not least we have our spit fire, our girl Josephine Claire. Josephine, Joey, Sissy, Zari (She answers to any and all of her names)! Joey is our strong willed, sassy pants! She is as sweet as she looks but she will outwit you immediately if you're not on your toes. She is athletic and funny and full of spice. Sissy arrived just a year after Skylar at 7 months old and brought just as much joy as sister. (yes, they are biological sisters) Sis also just had her first dance recital, was in soccer in the fall and currently kickin butt in Karate summer camp. Sis will start kinder this year. We cant wait to see her grow!
I hope to pick up where i left off and mostly keep a record of all the memories me and my family create together. I am so proud of all my babies! More to come!!
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